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fight against violence

This sequence allows Cycle 3 students to recognize the different forms of violence and their effects, to develop positive behaviours with others and to better respond to a violent situation.

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Definitions and concepts

Violence is the use of physical, verbal or psychological force to dominate, coerce, hurt or cause pain to another person. Sexual violence is defined as an act of a sexual nature, with or without physical contact, committed without the consent of the person concerned. 

The effects of violence on victims can have physical or psychological consequences. These effects can be temporary or permanent depending on the degree of severity. Finally, they may or may not be visible.

Micro-violence is an act of violence and aggression, which is never of great apparent brutality but whose accumulation produces the same effects as all other acts of violence. They are quite frequent and recurrent among children, especially in schools. 

kit sco-lutte contre les violenczs-def





Harassment is a specific form of violence that is based on three essential elements: violence (regardless of the form it takes), repetitiveness (the frequency and duration of attacks) and the isolation of the victim (and often the inability to defend oneself).


In the harassment dynamic, a triangular relationship is created between the victim, the spectator(s) and the harasser(s), within which these three actors share a form of vulnerability. Faced with the fragility of one, the guilt of the other and the lack of empathy of the latter, punishment alone cannot be a solution.

The primary mission of the School is to ensure the well-being and success of all students. The law of 8 July 2013 on the rebuilding of the school definitively confirms this objective, by including the question of improving the "school climate". Studies seem to show that being a victim, aggressor or witness of violence can lead to academic difficulties, absenteeism or even dropping out.


A deteriorated school climate can also lead to more violence and disturbances in psychological and emotional well-being. Tensions, mockery, jostling, "laughing fights", or insults are sometimes common, and many students get used to them.


The subject with the children

The theme of the fight against violence can be sensitive in several respects. It directly affects the daily lives of students and can sometimes lead to the emergence of situations that are not easily experienced. It is therefore a matter for teachers to guarantee and transmit several elements before and during the proposed sequence. Different works or activities in complementary classes can also feed into the work initiated or treated through the Advocacy sessions.

kit sco-lutte contre les violences-aborder thématique



sco-kit lutte contre les violences- 1 - le chat de la violence
Le chat de la violence

Jeu traditionnel de course et d'évitement pour permettre aux élèves de déterminer ce qu'est la violence, et ce pour en identifier les différentes formes et les manières de réagir. 

sco-kit lutte contre les violences- 2 - non aux microviolences
Non aux microviolences

Jeu collectif de course et d'évitement pour permettre aux élèves de distinguer les violences présentes au quotidien pour les éviter, les réduire et ne pas les entretenir.

sco-kit lutte contre les violences- 3 - les effets de la violence
Les effets de la violence

Jeu collectif de course et d'évitement pour permettre aux élèves d'identifier ce que provoquent les violences pour mieux comprendre et aider les personnes qui en sont victimes. 

sco-kit lutte contre les violences- 4 - ça suffit  les harcèlements
Ca suffit les harcèlements

Jeu collectif de course et d'évitement pour permettre  aux élèves de reconnaître ce qui relève du harcèlement pour mieux lutter contre.

illustration Fiche thématique sco lutte contre les violences France
Fiche thématique - Lutte contre les violences

La fiche thématique Playdagogie Lutte contre les violences présente le contexte, les enjeux et les notions clés liés à la thématique pour accompagner les enfants.


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Pour aller plus loin

Pour les adultes

"A l’Ecole des enfants heureux… enfin presque » - UNICEF France et l’Observatoire International de la Violence à l’Ecole, Mars 2011 

Consulter le rapport

"Politique nationale contre le harcèlement » - Plan de prévention mis en place à l’échelle nationale, Education Nationale, Octobre 2016

Consulter le site

Non au harcèlement

Consulter le site

Observatoire International de la Violence à l'Ecole 

Consulter le site

Agir contre la violence

Consulter le site



Avec les enfants

Prix « Non au harcèlement » 2016, Cycle 3 

Voir la vidéo

Prix « Non au harcèlement » 2017, 6ème-5ème 

Voir la vidéo

Enfance en danger : n°119

Jeunes Violence Ecoute : n° vert 0 800 202 223

Non au harcèlement : n°3020

10 conseils contre le harcèlement

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