Playdagogy is an active and participatory pedagogical method designed and developed by PLAY International since the early 2000s.
It uses sporting game as an educational tool to transmit prevention and awareness messages to children between 6 and 15 years old. It allows social and health issues to be raised in a fun and positive way. Products of a collective work, the pedagogical contents (thematic sheets, sessions, annexes) are co-created with PLAY International's operational (education and animation professionals) and institutional (thematic and scientific experts) partners.
3 steps
the pedagogical media library
Find all the educational ressources developed with and for educational professionals to enable you to carry out awareness raising on issues of living together and health trough play and sport.
Pedagogical kits are:
- broken down by age group,
- adapted to respond concretely to local social and health issues,
- created by sector: school, extra)curricular, chil welfare...
Educational edivsers, school directes, teachers, educators, animators... access to all Playdagogy kits, socio-sports sessions or cooperative games !