This 5-session teaching kit is designed to equip field workers who work with unaccompagnied minors. It aims to contribute to the development of the psychosocial skills (PSS) of the unaccompagnied
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This 5-session teaching kit is designed to equip field workers who work with unaccompagnied minors. It aims to contribute to the development of the psychosocial skills (PSS) of the unaccompagnied
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This 5-session teaching kit is designed to equip field workers who work with children. It aims to contribute to the development of the psychosocial skills (PSS) of the children, to promote their
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This 5-session teaching kit is designed to equip field workers who work with families. It aims to contribute to the development of the psychosocial skills (PSS) of the members of the family, to
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Ofrimi i përvojave dhe ndërveprimeve të përbashkëta sportive midis fëmijëve me dhe pa aftësi të kufizuara.
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«All players, All friends » is a five sport-based sessions pedagogical kit, for groups of children aged 8-12 years old. It aims to provide, at the same time, common sport experiences and interactions,
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«Play Beyond Disabilities» is a six sport-based sessions pedagogical kit aimed at children aged 8-12 years old with disabilities.
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This pedagogical kit, designed to equip professionals in the field of education and animation, allows to (re)create social links between children while respecting protective gestures in this context
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This sequence allows Cycle 3 students to question their representations and knowledge about physical, mental and social health and to build habits to maintain their health capital for life. (only
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This sequence allows Cycle 3 students to recognize the different forms of violence and their effects, to develop positive behaviours with others and to better respond to a violent situation. (only
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Through different play materials, this kit enables children aged 8 to 12 to be able to recognize different forms of discrimination, their causes and effects, and to develop more inclusive behaviours
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Thanks to various game supports, this kit allows children aged 8 to 12 to better understand the disability and its consequences on people with disabilities, in order to change their perspective and
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Thanks to various game supports, this kit allows children aged 8 to 12 to reflect on the differences between girls and boys, to question their stereotypes in order to get to know themselves better,
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This kit is intended for an ITEP (Institut Thérapeutique, Educatif et Pédagogique) audience aged 8 to 12. Thanks to different game supports, it makes it possible to work on the individual relationship
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This sequence allows Cycle 3 students to reflect on the differences between girls and boys, to question their stereotypes in order to get to know themselves better, make autonomous choices, and thus
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Thanks to various game supports, this kit allows children aged 8 to 12 to learn the essential basics of food hygiene, to understand the importance of a balanced diet and to build healthy eating habits
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This kit is intended for 8-12 year olds and was developed as part of Phase 2 of the "Education for All : Access to and Maintenance of the School for Burundian Children through Playdagogy" (AMEP). The
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This kit is intended for 6-12 year olds and was developed as part of Phase 1 of the "Education for All : Access to and Maintenance of the School for Burundian Children through Playdagogy" (AMEP). The
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This kit includes 8 socio-sport sessions for children aged 6 to 12 (4 sessions for 6-9 year olds and 4 sessions for 10-12 year olds). These games aim to promote the development of children's
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This kit offers 10 socio-sports sessions for children aged 8 to 12. These sessions are designed to foster the development of psycho-social skills in children around the concepts of respect, mutual aid
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The Fight againt discriminations kit aims to promote, through sport, an alternative education to the current system: a more inclusive, tolerant, open and cooperative education.
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This kit offers 10 socio-sports sessions for children aged 8 to 12. These sessions are designed to foster the development of psycho-social skills in children around the concepts of respect, mutual aid
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The purpose of this toolkit and infosheet is to equip facilitators and educators to deliver Playdagogy and Education Through Sport sessions to children in after-school and extracurricular activities.
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