Initiated in 2016 in 15 localities in Burundi, supported by AFD and UNICEF, this project raises awareness among 15,000 children about the importance of school and the discrimination they face, thanks to Playdagogy. The project aims to positively change the representations and behaviours of children - especially the most vulnerable - in order to bring them back or keep them in school.
To this end, PLAY International has deployed and consolidated its activities in the field of non-formal education, provided in 15 Youth Centres, and formal education in schools twinned with these centres. The system of "bridges" between these two formal and non-formal sectors has materialized with the establishment of different spaces for exchange between the actors: the "Mixed pedagogical meetings" bringing together facilitators and teachers in order to encourage collaboration and exchanges of experience; meetings of educational professionals to monitor children identified as dropping out of school and/or presenting other types of vulnerability and thus ensure effective monitoring and care of the latter.

A partnership with Bibliothèque Sans Frontières (BSF) made it possible to deploy 3 Koombooks (digital libraries) in 3 Youth Centres, benefiting nearly 1,000 children, as well as facilitators who have access to documentary resources to prepare awareness sessions in the field on specific themes such as gender equality. Finally, in order to ensure the sustainability of its activities, PLAY International continues to support a local association, ASSOPRODE, created in 2012 by a group of leaders who have benefited from training in socio-sports activities and advocacy. It now has 150 members in 8 provinces of Burundi.
Key figures
15 000
pedagogical contents
Find on our educational media library all the resources related to the AMEP project developed with and for education professionals
One kit "Social Inclusion" intended for 6-12 year olds was developed as part of Phase 1 of the AMEP project. The objective of this project is to contribute to the social inclusion of people excluded from the education system. (content only available in French)
discover the social inclusion kit
The kit "Academic Success" is intended for 8-12 year olds and was developed as part of Phase 2 of the AMEP project. The objective of this project is to contribute to the achievement of the goal of universal primary education in Burundi. (content only available in French)
