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Since 2012, PLAY International has been developing prevention and awareness programs in France through games, sports and debate, on issues of living together and health.



our action

How to treat sensitive topics for children and carry out preventive actions in a fun and participatory way? How to promote active education for children in priority neighborhoods?


Inspired by many years of experience abroad in the development of socio-sports activities for children, PLAY International supports the establishment of prevention and awareness programs using sport and games as educational levers to address social issues and health conditions encountered by children in France.


A national impact is targeted through a system of training, monitoring and provision of educational resources to the educational community.



enfants qui apprennent et grandissent en s'amusant

Impact in 2019

Key figures


children beneficiaries


professionals trained in classroom setting


priority regions : Hauts-de-France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Île-de-France et Mayotte

PLAY International a complementary association of the national education system 

PLAY is certified as a “Complementary Association of the National Education system” by the Ministry of National Education which is strengthened by a signed agreement.

The usefulness of Playdagogy is recognized in the educational success, the well-being of the students and the training of future citizens. This commitment aims at deploying the Playdagogy method, especially within Priority Education Networks (REP and REP +).



modes of action

of the french mission 

Co-creation of educational content and the provision of thematic kits enable education professionals to be part of the process of tool design and then to actively and sensitively address sensitive topics such as violence. , discrimination, nutrition ...


Training, face-to-face and through an e-learning platform, educational professionals to teaching methods and themes to enable them to enrich their practices and carry out educational actions through sport with the skills and necessary tools.


training contact 

session de co-création de séances de playdagogie avec des éducatuers d' ITEP



ACTIVItY in 2019

PLAY International deploys training, support and follow-up actions in the 4 regions (Ile-de-France, Hauts-de-France, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) and on the department of Mayotte. The association has chosen to focus its action on these five territories because they gather more than 50% of priority neighborhoods.



French projects

Talking about it


To live symbolically a situation, to be confronted with inequality or discrimination makes it possible to put oneself in the place of ... It favors the empathy and makes it possible to change the representations and also the behaviors.

Mickael Debeuré (93)
Specialized teacher for relational help

I regularly train my teams and help them set up sessions that raise children’s awareness of subjects that are sometimes not very easy to tackle. In 2018, a weekly session was organized over a 6-week period, then we scheduled a meeting at the end of the cycle with two other schools. This enabled playground conflicts to be reduced and the presence of girls and the very young to be increased in playground activities. Using games and sport to talk about certain topics enables all children to express themselves, which they don’t really do during debates between children. Education through sport enables children to develop their knowledge of a subject while playing. Amusement enables a subject to be addressed in a fun way so that it becomesmore pertinent.

Coralie Mantione
Director of the Leisure Center (Lyon)

The idea of themed games, which can be quite constraining in terms of power of action, turned out very useful to collect students’ feedbacks and make connections with “real life” situations. Not that it actually changes representations, but I feel like making students think about these issues through games and making them debate and  discuss is a progress for any educator or teacher.

Denis Coupas
Sports teacher

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