Thus, an evaluation conducted in Roubaix in 2016 shows the positive effects on children's knowledge, behaviour and social climate of the 3 leisure centres in which the study was carried out. PLAY International is convinced of the added value that sport brings to the learning and acquisition of knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills. This conviction is accompanied by a condition: professionals in the educational community must be aware of their role and mission towards the audiences they support.
This is why PLAY International places training and support for field workers at the heart of its action. To participate in the skills development of all actors, the educational content created by PLAY is also accessible free of charge online. Finally, we propose regular meetings to facilitate networking and develop synergies between the actors in the field. The objective: to structure a community of professionals who are aware of their role and competent to use sports games as a tool for living together.
Key figures
40 985
5 544
The Living Together - Citizenship component of the Playdagogy has a twofold objective: to build inclusive and peaceful relationships with others and to "learn" to live in society. It aims to develop skills that promote social intelligence (knowledge of oneself, others, empathy, cooperation, etc.) and covers in particular 3 themes:
1. The fight against discrimination, that is to say understand what discrimination is and its effects; develop more tolerant attitudes and more inclusive behaviours.
2. The change of perspective on disability, by making people with disabilities understand what they experience; changing their representations and adopting more inclusive behaviours.
3. The promotion of gender equality, or understand the stereotypes that weigh on girls and boys; develop more egalitarian attitudes between girls and boys.
The problems of living together are identified as priorities because they constitute the necessary foundation for education for citizenship, for improving the health of inhabitants or for social progress through equal opportunities. Constantly in contact with the community of educators and animators, we collectively decide on the themes to be addressed. Following a three-year project (2017-2019) supported by La France S'engage, PLAY has identified 3 priority themes to be addressed through the Playdagogy tool. The content based on Playdagogy, in which community and association leaders and educators are now trained, is reinforced with new themes: the fight against violence (recognizing the different forms of violence and their effects; refusing violence and reacting to it), respect for rules (the importance of rules and respect for rules in order to live together; building a positive relationship with the rule), peaceful conflict management (being able to communicate while controlling oneself; developing non-violent attitudes to limit a conflict).
pedagogical contents
Find on our educational media library all the resources related to the living together project developed with and for education professionals.
One first kit "Promotion of gender equality" allows Cycle 3 students to reflect on the differences between girls and boys, to question their stereotypes in order to get to know themselves better, make autonomous choices, and thus contribute to a more egalitarian society. (Content only available in French)
discover the promotion of gender equality kit
A second kit "Fight against discrimination" enables children aged 8 to 12 to be able to recognize different forms of discrimination, their causes and effects, and to develop more inclusive behaviours to combat them. (content only available in French)
discover the fight against discrimination kit
A third kit "Fight against violence" allows Cycle 3 students to recognize the different forms of violence and their effects, to develop positive behaviours with others and to better respond to a violent situation. (content only available in French)

PLAY International provides training, support and follow-up activities in the 4 regions (Ile-de-France, Hauts-de-France, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Provence Alpes-Côte d'azur) and in the Mayotte department. The association has chosen to focus its action on these five territories because they include more than 50% of the priority districts.
Within the framework of this project, PLAY is targeting these current intervention areas as a priority with the objective of investing 70% of the districts of these regions, i.e. more than 540 priority districts. In addition, the NGO is carrying out training and enhanced monitoring in the educational cities that will be identified in these five territories.