The Playlab's mission is to bring out and support the development of projects that use sport for education and inclusion. Following the call for projects aimed at Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in West Africa, discover the 5 projects selected to benefit from one year of support.
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Visions Mêlées - Project: Skills and Empowerment through Learning Rugby and Enterprise - CAARE (Côte d'Ivoire)
To help improve the living conditions of young people and contributes to their empowerment, Visions Mêlées is implementing a vocational and sports training programme linking the practice of rugby and apprenticeship in the region's promising economic sectors. As part of a skills transfer approach, local trainers are trained in cooperation with players from New Aquitaine and the Ivorian Rugby Federation. The project aims to reach 300 young people in the region.
More information on the project here
Denro - Project: Awareness-raising and training in women's football in Koudougou (Burkina Faso)
The Denro association works for the schooling of children in Burkina Faso. Its areas of action are defined around 3 main themes: education and sport, gender equality and social cohesion. Denro participates in the empowerment of young girls and in raising the population's awareness of gender equality through the practice of women's football. The project foresees the organisation of the first women's football school tournament in Koudougou.
More than 3,000 children will be the beneficiaries of the project, composed of girls and boys from disadvantaged social classes from the age of 4, and more particularly orphans and children from remote rural areas of Burkina Faso.
More information on the project here
La Balle Aux Prisonniers - Project: Sport at the Abidjan and Bouaké Juvenile Observation Centres for Reintegration (Côte d'Ivoire)
La Balle aux Prisonniers is a human rights NGO created in 2016. Its project consists of contributing to the social reintegration of minors from the Abidjan and Bouake Juvenile Observation Centres through sport and vocational training.
Within the prison, La Balle Aux Prisonniers makes sport an escape from everyday prison life. La Balle Aux Prisonniers therefore organises daily training and physical activity sessions with inmates, as well as matches with outside teams, theme days to raise public awareness of the prison environment and support for literacy and professional integration. A total of 280 incarcerated minors are directly affected by its actions.
More information on the project here
LiVR'RAISON - Project: Empowerment of adolescent girls through handball (Côte d'Ivoire)
The association Livr'Raison has been running development projects in the village of Katia since 2013.
The aim of the project is to promote gender equality through the practice of handball and career guidance. Weekly training sessions are organised for young girls. At the end of the training sessions, once a month, women from the region present their career paths to the girls in the local language. They can then volunteer for a job-shadowing placement in a company.
Through its activities (sports tournaments, group exchanges, job forums, etc.), Livr'Raison encourages young people, the educational community and the village community to take up gender equality issues and to debate them in the light of social, economic, cultural and political realities.
More information on the project here
Terres en Mêlées - Project: ALAFIA (Burkina Faso and Togo)
The ambition of the project is to contribute to building a culture of peace among young people in the localities affected by violence, identity withdrawal and the rise of extremism. The project's activities are centred on the deployment of a programme of education through sport for non-violent conflict resolution, citizenship and gender equality. In particular, the association uses Rugby to promote social justice and living together.
By training specialised educators, sports educators and secondary school PE teachers, the project aims to use the practice of Rugby as a tool to raise young people's awareness of these issues. 2500 young girls and boys aged 8 to 18 are directly impacted by this project, and 25 educators will be trained to ensure the sustainability of the project.
More information on the project here
The Playlab warmly thanks the members of the jury who met in Dakar in July 2020:
- Cécile Faye, Deputy Secretary General of the Senegalese National Olympic and Sports Committee
- Fanta Diallo, Director of Youth and Sports at the City of Dakar
- Issa Diagne Association of Solidarité́ National Sports, Cultural and Artistic Association
-Napo Assigma, Regional Expert for GIZ, Sport for Development in Africa
- Ousseynou Gueye, Head of Communication of Afric Innov
A co-funded programme