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Find on our educational library all the resources of the Play'In Toghether kit developed with and for educational professionals.
These sessions are designed to help children better understand disability and its impact on people with disabilities to generate more inclusive behaviors.
Written by a collective of school teachers, and produced by the Académie de Créteil, partner of the PLAY'In Together project, a guide "The essentials of disability in Physical Education" deals with the ways of taking care of children in situations of handicap in sports activities.
Play'In Together is intended to:
Promote the inclusion of young people with disabilities
Act and work with European children to create a more inclusive and egalitarian environment
Bring together a diverse range of actors to create an innovative network of partners for social inclusion and access to equal opportunities in Europe.
To do this, the project deploys a 4-step pedagogical engineering approach:
1. A research and diagnosis phase of the contexts and situations experienced by children with disabilities in the countries participating in the project, allowing the co-creation of Advocacy and socio-sports sessions. The following are covered: a change of perspective on disability, allowing each child to develop positively in their representations; promoting self-confidence for each child with a disability; and finally allowing mixed audiences of children to play together on cooperative sports games.
2. The training of trainers, then of educational professionals benefiting from the sports kits, in person during groupings, then during field accompaniment
3. Deployment of activities with children
4. The continued capitalisation of these activities and their presentation to the institutions of the partner countries and the European Commission.
Our actions are deployed in 7 European countries, from Kosovo to Sweden, including the Czech Republic and Belgium.