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Play beyond disabilities

« Play Beyond Disabilities » is a six sport-based sessions pedagogical kit aimed at children aged 8-12 years old with disabilities. It aims to address and contribute to the development of self-esteem, emotional management and interpersonal abilities.

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Psychosocial skill : according to World Health Organisation (2003), psychosocial skills cover the capacities of a person to answer daily life experiences and challenges. It is the global ability of a person to maintain mental well-being by adopting appropriate attitudes towards others, his/her culture, his/her environment.


Self-concept (session 1) : The idea and beliefs one has about him or her. It refers to the idea one has of who he or she is, based on his or her beliefs, as well as his or her interpretation of others’ beliefs.The focus here is on helping children to realize some of their capacities and spaces for improvement.

Self-efficacy (session 2) : The idea or belief one has about his or her abilities to succeed in specific situations. The focus here is on helping children to feel capable and eligible, to practice sport for example.

Self-confidence (session 3) : The feeling one has in trusting his or her abilities, qualities and judgement. The focus here is on helping children to understand the importance of making efforts and surpassing oneself.

Managing emotions (session 4) : Emotions are composed of various constituents (cognitive, expressive, physiological, etc.). They follow a triggering mechanism based on the intensity to events that initiate them. The focus here is on helping children to identify and express the emotions they experience in an appropriate way.

Respect (session 5) : The feeling of consideration or regard one can have towards someone else or something. It can include respect for oneself, respect for others, respect for rules or respect for one’s environment.The focus here is on helping children to respect others, by being able to listen to them and to nurture better communication.

Communication (session 5) : The interactions one has with others aiming to exchange informations.The focus here is on helping children to get better insight on interpersonal communication skills.

Cooperation (session 6) : The actions and state of mind of various individuals working together to achieve a common goal. The focus here is on helping children to understand the added value of a group and working as such.

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