Since the mid-2000s, PLAY International has been committed to women empowerment and gender equality. Whether in Afghanistan or Haiti, PLAY International an its partners have developed solutions to promote access to sport and education. The association pursue its commitment to young people in France by fighting against gender stereotypes that promote the effective separation between girls and boys in adolescence.
Through the Playlab, the NGO is now developing new solutions to encourage diversity in sport and is helping to create the conditions for keeping young people physical activity, first and foremost, girls.

Thanks to the mobilization of actors engaged, who have already thought about a mixed sport practice or set one up, this project aims to :
- identifying the "golden rules" or unavoidable principles that need to be set put in order to successfully run a mixed activity,
- imagining, co-creating and seting up innovative mixed practices based on these previously formalized golden rules.
Would you like to imagine new sport practices that foster diversity and girls into the game ?
Be one of the 4 selected organizations that will take part in :
- 2 workshops to create new mixed practices that will bring together members of associations and clubs wishing to straighten gender diversity in their sports activities. The workshops will take place the 23th of January and the 27th of February 2020 at 2 a.m. at the Playlab, 126 rue de l'Ouest, Paris 14th.
- an implementation on the field supported by the pedagogical team of PLAY International
- a closing event to share the good practices identified and feedbacks.
You will be offered a financial support to implement these activities.
This experience is aimed at sport associations and clubs in Ile-de-France that work with a public of girls and boys aged from 10 to 15 years old.
Closing the 6th of December 2019 - Results of the call for participation will be published from December 13th, 2019.
For further information