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The square
The Square

A cooperative game to renew and reinforce the parent-child bond by cooperating in the game to succeed together.

Targeted psychosocial skills: Cooperating and helping each other.

30 minutes
Bibs, cones, balls
Cooperative game

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Factsheet FAM
Factsheet (families)

A factsheet to give more information regarding issues related to the social inclusion of families, of PLAY's approach, of targeted psychosocial skills and of games.

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Around the dial
Around the dial

A cooperative game to renew and reinforce the parent-child bond by cooperating in the game to succeed together.

Targeted psychosocial skills: Cooperating and helping each other.


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Primary needs
Primary needs

A collective game to understand that there may be several levels of need; and to understand that in order to satisfy a need, an appropriate response is required.

Targeted psychosocial skills: empathising and listening to the needs of others.

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You'll never walk alone
You’ll Never Walk Alone!

A collective game to understand that there may be several levels of need; and to understand that in order to satisfy a need, an appropriate response is required.

Targeted psychosocial skills: empathising and listening to the needs of others.

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Goodbye anger!
Goodbye Anger!

A socio-sport game to be able to identify several ways to express and manage anger; and to be able to communicate to manage conflict without violence.

Targeted psychosocial skills: managing an emotion such as anger; communicating to resolve conflict.

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