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kit socio kos - session Cooperation_4
Stick together

Ball game to allow children to understand that teamwork requires solidarity and that when we help others, we learn and contribute to the team.

60 minutes
Balls, jerseys, cones and hoops
Ball game

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kit socio kos - Session respect_1
Challenge yourself

Collective game to allow children to listen to themselves (wishes, abilities, feelings...) and make decisions accordingly. 

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kit socio kos - Session respect_2
No matter who

Team game to allow children to respect everyone no matter their communities.

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kit socio kos - Session Respect_3
Make the rules

Ball game to allow children to understand the importance of setting clear and fair rules for everyone and of being fair-play whilst playing a competitive game.

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kit socio  kos - Session Respect_4
Clean up

Traditionnal cats and dogs game to allow children to understand that it is important to respect nature and that each of them is responsible for a safe and healthy environment.

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kit socio kos - Session Cooperation_1
Together better

Cooperative game to allow children to be able to play as a team in including everyone and helping each other to reach an objective.

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kit socio kos - Session Cooperation_2
Everyone matters

Team game to allow children to understand that everyone can contribute to the team with their own skills.

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kit socio kos - session Cooperation_3
Listen up !

Team game to allow children to understand that you can communicate in different ways, and to be able to work as a team by expressing and getting signals from others.

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kit socio kos - session Cooperation 5
All equals

Cooperative game to allow children to understand that boys and girls can equally participate in all sports.

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kit socio kos - session Cooperation_6
What we have in common

Team game to encourage cooperation among communities.

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